Tuesday 21 January 2014

Ideology in Magazines

Ideology in Magazines

Why do magazines reflect the values and ideologies of their readers?

They want their readers to feel that they can identify with the magazine.

Here are the descriptions of the target readers of two lifestyle magazines:

The ELLE reader is spirited, stylish and intelligent; she expects to be successful at everything she does. She takes the lead and breaks the rules.

The SIGHT and SOUND reader is a true film buff who expects to be given intelligent information on all film releases, not just Hollywood, mainstream movies.

Task 2: Take a look at the two websites and note down how you think they reflect the values, interests and ideologies of their readers. 
typography (font choice, colour, placement)
How the pages are laid out, does the composition lead the eye and retain viewers?
Promises connected to ideology, values, interests.
Language use; words that the reader will understand, do they use informal form of address 'you'?

ELLE Magazine

The typography within the magazine reveals a lot about the type of reader the magazine is aimed at. The title of the webpage is in a serif font however is in a very elegant and sophisticated style reflecting the slim models who model for ELLE. The colour of the font is black which shows a sophisticated side to the web page.
The page layout is very well thought out as the webpage leads the eye around the page from the sub title to the pictures which slide across to reveal more articles and new web pages. The font of the the writing is in a black font which is very basic but effective as the colours are not to bright and in the readers face.
The webpage can mirror the fashion that ELLE tries to portray as the text has a specific layout in order for it to look good. similar to fashion. we see how the models clothing is very basic and not too drastic similar to the layout of the webpage.
The webpage is easy to navigate as the headings are clear and very noticeable.
The webpage also offers fashion tips in order for the reader to search for information they could use in order to find themselves. Topics such as fashion and latest trends appear at a glance.

Sight & Sound Magazine

The webpage for Sight & Sound is very basic and appears to be aimed at an older audience looking for an in depth knowledge about the the latest film releases hitting the cinemas. for example we see how the webpage offers sub genres that offer sections film of the week and a number of other articles.
The font of the magazine is very basic in a sans serif font. 

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