Tuesday 18 March 2014



This clip has been mediated in order to portray the way british people act when abroad on holiday.


This clip is a clip made by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office as part as the 'know before you go' campaign in order to warn British holiday makers of the dangers of not being legally prepared before they go on holiday. The clip includes a series of unfortunate events a young male faced when on holiday abroad. The young brit is unprepared isn't aware of the services in place in order to help him while abroad. the campaign is used in order to inform other british holiday makers to be prepared before travelling abroad.


The construction of this clip is very thought out and clever as the creators have used british stereotypes in order to portray their information. For example the start of the clip portrays brits as a nation of drinkers as the young male heads straight for the bar in order to consume alcohol. this then leads to a fight. The way the clip is worded indicates that all Brits end up fighting after consuming alcohol. This links back to ideology as british ideology indicates that all Brits go on holiday to consume alcohol and enjoy themselves.
Within the clip we also see how the young man ends up in a prison and seeks legal help in order to get him out. The clip then shows us how his friend is injured in a biking accident and hasn't got insurance to help him. this portrays brits as careless as they are unprepared before flying abroad.
the actor has a working class accent and we can tell that the actor is from Britain from his London accent.


The clear focus of the clip is to warm british holiday makers to be prepared and insured before heading abroad. the clip is based around british stereotypes.

Monday 3 March 2014

Representation of Mental Health

The Dark Knight

We see in this clip how mental health is stereotyped from appearance and actions. for example the joker from The Dark Knight Rises represents people with schizophrenia in a negative way. For example we see how he appears to play dead and immediately jumps up and startles the other people within the scene. he has a weapon on him which creates fear and tension. He also has face paint on which shows us how the Joker is not mentally stable. He tells us the tale of his father attacking him with a knife which has clearly impacted on his life and has left him mentally and physically scared.


within this clip we see how the man is very obsessive over numbers. we see how he is very intrigued by the way numbers work and the actual coding of numbers. we see how he thinks that there is a pattern in everything and attempts to work it out. we see how he keeps everything to a timed schedule which he must stick to. he must restate his assumptions and 12:45 and then press return at 12:50. he also rejects the offer of lunch as it is not part of his schedule. making schedules is a common feature of mental illness.

Little Britain

We see from this clip the woman has a disability which is apparent from the start. the clip is not mocking people with disabilities but they are mocking the way the public react to people with disabilities. The situation is very awkward as the woman is mentally unstable and the man does not know how to act in the situation. He is very uncomfortable within the situation. People need to learn how to act around people with disabilities.